Rent the Varscona
Our theatre is available to rent for live theatre productions, concerts, and dance events, as well as corporate events, awards ceremonies, and meetings.
Interested in renting our space? We’d love to hear from you. Please fill out our rental questionnaire, and we’ll get back to you shortly. Scroll down the page for more information on our theatre specs and rental rules.
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Theatre Specs
The Varscona Theatre is located in the historic Old Strathcona District of Edmonton. Our building has a spacious and uniquely designed foyer, rehearsal/gathering space and an intimate 197 seat theatre space.
Lobby area:
- Rehearsal/gathering space
- Fully accessible entrance to theatre on main floor
- Main floor and upper level access to theatre
- Box office space
- Concession space
Theatre area:
- 197 cushioned seats, as well as 2 two-seat “box” areas and 3 wheelchair accessible spaces
- Raised stage – Performance space is 20’ deep and 24’ wide behind curtain line
- Fully retractable Main Curtain
- Curved apron downstage of the Main Curtain Line – 8’ deep at its deepest point.
- 4’ wide backstage area on all sides, with an additional 8’ of wing space on the sides
- Fully retractable Black Upstage Traveler Curtain and/or cyclorama
- Full use of the house lighting and audio systems. Projection is available upon request for an additional fee.
- Large ‘green room’ with small kitchen
- Two dressing rooms with fully lit make-up tables. Each dressing room contains a private washroom, as well as one that is shared between the two dressing rooms
- Separate backstage entrance for actors and crew
- Loading doors for equipment at rear of theatre
Drawings, inventory and more detailed technical information are available upon request. For any questions or requests concerning the technical aspects of the theatre, please contact
Varscona Theatre Rental Rules & Regulations
The Varscona Theatre Alliance reserve the right to exclude certain activities that may not be appropriate for our theatre. To answer any questions you may have, we have provided the following information.
General Regulations
The use of The Varscona Theatre by community, non-profit, private and commercial groups is encouraged. The Varscona Theatre Alliance (VTA), has three main priorities when making the theatre available:
1. Protection of the building and its contents
2. Appropriate community programming, and;
3. Recovery of costs related to providing a clean, safe setting for special events.
Reservation Deposit – A reservation deposit of 50% of the total rental amount must be paid at the time of signing this contract. The remainder of the rental fee must be paid within 10 days of receipt of the invoice.
Cancellation – The reservation deposit will be fully refunded in the event of a cancellation made in writing 30 days before the event date or should the VTA not be able to accommodate the event.
Damage/Disappearance – Renters are responsible for clean-up immediately after their event. This includes food, beverages, dishes and garbage. All chairs, tables, props, sets, costumes, etc., must be cleared away, and the theatre must be left in the condition it was in before the event. A fee of $100.00 per hour will be charged if the Theatre requires excessive cleaning. Any damage or disappearance of technical equipment will be charged at the replacement cost of the item. Any items left at the theatre 24 hours after the event will be disposed of at VTA’s discretion.
Cleaning and Administration Fee – Renters are required to pay a fee of $150 to cover cleaning and administration costs associated with each rental.
Technical Information – An appropriate number of technicians will be assigned to your event. Our technicians offer professional service to our Renters. Their efficiency and expertise will ensure that your event is a success. Additional equipment may be rented at an additional cost. The VTA Technical Director will make the final decision should an extra technician be required for your event. This will be an additional cost to the Renter.
Insurance – The Renter shall obtain and keep in force a valid Commercial General Liability Insurance policy in the amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) for the term of this contract (i.e. Dates of Rental). Coverage must include bodily harm, damage to property, and public liability.
Use of Space Rules
The following articulates the general rules to be followed by all parties wishing to utilize the Varscona Theatre for their event:
1. The VTA requires one authorized representative to be on-site at all times the Renter and related personnel are within the Theatre.
2. When the Theatre is occupied by the public, associates or guests of the Renter, it will be under the control of the representative supplied by VTA.
3. Smoking is NOT permitted inside the building or within 10 metres from any entrance to the building.
4. No nails, tape, tacks, signs, posters or other objects are to be hung or placed in any manner on any surface of the Theatre except in areas as indicated to and agreed upon by the VTA at the time of this contract.
5. No confetti, rice, glitter etc. is to be used or thrown in or around the building.
6. No candles, lanterns or other open flames are allowed inside the building.
7. All garbage must be properly bagged and stored in trash cans as provided by the VTA.
8. Renter is responsible for all set-up and clean-up related to the event unless otherwise stipulated in the agreement.
9. Renter will have use of standard house lighting and sound equipment operated by the VTA technician. Extra charges will apply to any alteration and subsequent re-setting of house configuration.
10. Electrical outlets are not to be overloaded.
11. Organizers agree to pay any excessive maintenance or clean-up costs incurred by the VTA related to their use of the facilities.
12. Ticket printing and sales, advertising and/or any other promotion of the event are the sole responsibility of the Renter.
13. All fees, wages, royalties, dues and any other charges associated with the production are to be paid by the Renter.
14. Only authorized personnel are permitted backstage or in dressing rooms adjacent to the stage area.
15. VTA does not supply any security services in conjunction with the rental of the facility. Also, the VTA shall not be liable for any loss of or damage to any personal property which the Renter or its personnel may bring onto the premises of the facility.
16. In the event of cancellation of an event by the Renter, the Renter will make public announcements at a reasonable frequency, at the Renter’s expense, immediately upon cancellation. In the event that refunds are to be issued, the Renter will be responsible for refunding monies for tickets issued to the Renter. In the event of Renter cancellation, the Theatre will be closed and not be available to the Renter.
17. The VTA will interrupt and terminate any activity to protect the Theatre and public, Or in the event that the Renter is in violation of this agreement. This is at the sole discretion of the VTA representative.
18. Should the VTA require additional police protection related to the event, a decision that is at the sole discretion of the VTA, all related cost will be charged to the Renter.
19. Renter will furnish to the VTA the name, mailing address, street address, e-mail and phone number(s) of the Renter’s representative. The Renter’s representative must be present at each performance. The Renter’s representative will be the sole person authorized to resolve problems and conflicts or to negotiate any alterations in performance procedure with the VTA representative. The Renter’s representative will be fully authorized to act for and execute documents on behalf of the Renter.
20. VTA personnel will have the right to enter any part of the facility at any time.
21. Sets, costumes, props, rental equipment, prop weapons, flash pots, fog machines, laser lighting equipment, and any other similar materials must be approved in advance by the VTA Technical Director and conform to all fire and safety codes. The provisions of the fire prevention code that prohibit smoking, flammable decorations, open flames, and explosive or flammable fluids, gases and compounds must be observed. The VTA may require written evidence that all such codes have been observed and that operators have the required licenses(s).
22. Any material, substance, equipment, or object which may endanger the life of or cause bodily injury to any person or constitutes a hazard to the facility is prohibited from the facility. The VTA has the right to refuse to allow any materials, substances, equipment, or objects to be brought onto the premises and the right to require its immediate removal.
23. Delivery of sets, costumes, and other materials before the contracted time will not be accepted by the VTA unless prior arrangements have been made and payment for additional time in the space has been made. If any sum is to be paid to the carrier upon delivery, the VTA representative will not accept any goods shipped to the facility for the Renter.
24. All deliveries must arrive via the shop doors at the back of the theatre. We will not receive deliveries through the front doors of the venue.
25. The VTA is not responsible for any articles lost, stolen or left behind by the Renter or members of their group.
26. The following areas are strictly off-limits to the Renter or any member of their group.
a. Tower storage room
b. Sound booth
c. Catwalk
d. Workshop
e. Concession
f. Box office
g. VTA business offices
27. Should the Renter wish to bring their own technician, said technician may be required to do an orientation in the space and the VTA Technical Director must be present at all times. This orientation will be scheduled with the VTA technical director.
28. Rental time shall include the load-in, set-up, performance and load-out (including removal of all items) and restoration of the space to its original configuration
29. The Varscona Theatre expects all renters to comply with Alberta labour laws when scheduling their events. Breaks will be provided for staff and technicians as required. Meal breaks do not count towards the time that a renter has the space.
Abuse of any of these rules risks the loss of future rental privileges.
Tech Requirements, Site Visits & Production Meetings
All Renters are required to complete a Tech Questionnaire to provide an overview of the technical elements of their production. This must be provided to the Technical Director and Rentals Manager a minimum of 30 days before the first day of the rental period.
For complex rentals, the Varscona may request a site visit and/or a production meeting with the Rentals Manager and Technical Director. This meeting must take place a minimum of 30 days before the first day of the rental period.
Need more info? Send your inquiry to