Rental Questionnaire Contact Name * First Name Last Name Email Address * Organization Event Description * Which area(s) of the building do you require access to? * Lobby Rehearsal Hall Theatre Backstage Dressing Rooms Kitchen Approximate Number of Expected Guests * Please note: We have the capacity for 200 people in the venue This number must include all staff, volunteers, presenters/peformers and attendee's. Event Time/Duration * How many hours in the venue do you require, and at what time of day? Preferred Rental Date MM DD YYYY Alternative/Additional Rental Dates Front of House Requirements Please note: We do not offer any in house catering outside our limited theatre concession, but are happy to work with any outside caterer you may choose to enlist. The concession stock consists of beer, wine, pop, chocolate bars and liquorice. Will you be requiring the concession to be open? * Yes No If yes, for how long? If yes, we will provide the concession items at a reasonable cost to your attendee’s. Please note an additional cost will be levied for staffing of the concession. Are there any special items required to be purchased by the Varscona (We will do our best to accommodate such requests, however cannot guarantee availability. All unsold non-regular product will be charged to and returned to the renter at cost) Are you selling tickets for your event? * Yes No If yes, are you providing ticket takers? If not, we can provide a Front of House staff member at an additional cost. Yes No Do you require any additional front of house staff (Ushers, box office staff etc.)? * Yes No If yes, please list your requirements here Please describe any additional front of house needs we have not already covered Technical and Stage Requirements If you have a floor plan or any set drawings, please email a copy to once you have completed the questionnaire. What requirements do you have in terms of stage setup and layout? Do you have a set? * Please note that any changes from the house configuration must occur during the time of the rental and any extra labour required will be billed to the renter. What are the lighting needs of the event? * We maintain a basic house lighting plot in the theatre. As with the stage any changes from the house configuration must occur during the time of the rental and any extra labour required will be billed to the renter. Do you have a lighting designer? * Yes No What are the audio requirements of your event? * If audio playback is required, what format will you be using? USB Playback Computer CD What are the photo/video requirements of your event? * The Varscona Theatre can project either onto the main drape of the Theatre or onto the Upstage cyclorama wall. If an alternative screen is required, it must be provided or sourced by the renter. There are also two screens available in the Varscona lobby. One vertically oriented screen attached to a pc and a second horizontally oriented screen which is capable of displaying .jpeg photos from a USB. Will your event have a stage manager (someone in charge of the technical elements during the event)? * Yes No If yes, where will they be positioned? ie. backstage, in the tech booth Will you need a technician backstage? * Yes No Will you be bringing your own technician in addition to those provided by the theatre? * Yes No Please describe any other set up/tear down details which we have not already covered Thank you for taking the time to fill out the questionnaire! We will review your needs and get back to you as soon as we are able with a response!